WANA (Sep 19) – A large-scale war between the Israeli regime and Hezbollah seems inevitable. The only way to limit the scope of this war is for Hezbollah to deliver a serious blow at this stage, which naturally requires the support and backing of Iran.


It should be noted that if Israel goes to war with Hezbollah, Western countries will fully support the Israelis. Abandoning Hezbollah in this context would not only weaken its power but would also make it easier for the Israelis and Americans to turn towards Iran for their final reckoning after they have dealt with Hezbollah.


From the start, Netanyahu had three main objectives: to eliminate Hamas, to weaken Hezbollah, and to show a strong hand to Iran in a way that would leave Iran entangled for years in the economic, political, and social aftermath of a war with Israel.

Therefore, if Israel’s war machine is not halted at the northern borders with Lebanon, Iran will undoubtedly be the next target. And, of course, had the Israelis been stopped in the first stage during their war with Gaza, the conflict wouldn’t have extended to the northern borders and a war with Hezbollah.


The region is currently in its most sensitive historical phase. Misguided analyses at various levels, suggesting that Israel is attempting to trap Iran in a war, are the result of the Israeli regime’s perceptual warfare against Iranian officials and the public, aimed at keeping Iran from actively intervening.


As some believe, Iran’s restraint and withdrawal, or what they refer to as avoiding the “war trap,” will not prevent the conflict from reaching Iran. Instead, it will lead to an even more intense wave of war for Iran in the not-too-distant future.